Astroimager altair
Astroimager altair



  • How to download Altair Camera Software and Drivers.
  • How do I download Altair Software and ASCOM drivers?.
  • What are the advantages or disadvantages of Altair Hypercam fan cooled cameras vs.
  • How to adjust focuser tension and rotation - Altair refractors.
  • astroimager altair

    What Canon cameras do the SkyTech EOS Clip filters fit?.What is the unity gain of the Altair Hypercam 269C Camera?.What thread size do Hypercam cameras have?.Can filters be placed in front of a focal reducer flattener?.What is the sensor spacing "backfocus" for Hypercam Fan & TEC Cooled Cameras?.Why does the image appear dim compared to other cameras?.Where can I download the latest version of Altair Capture?.


    How to claim your SharpCap PRO License with Altair Camera.

    astroimager altair

  • My dewshield slips down when Altair refractor scope is pointed upwards, how do I fix it?.
  • My camera frame rate is slow how do I speed it up?.
  • How do I stop dew (moisture) forming on the OUTSIDE of my TEC camera optical window?.
  • Is there a quick start guide for my camera?.
  • Interrupted frames subs download during imaging session?.
  • When you have enough frames (visible on the frame counter at the bottom of the screen), click Record button again to stop capture. Exceeding gain level 10 (10x) can create difficulties in processing the final image.Ĥ.5 When ready, click Record button labelled E above and the video will be started and saved to your hard-drive. The less the better and you can use the gain control to help achieve this target. Try aiming for under 25 milliseconds exposure if possible or less.

    astroimager altair

    Even though the data may not appear bright enough this is just a preview, and the image can easily be “brightened up” in your final processing.Ĥ.4 Now set the exposure and gain using sliders labelled in D above. When set at 120 levels, the images will appear dim in the preview window, so you can temporarily increase gain to focus and frame the image as required. Many imagers never exceed 100 levels to avoid losing data. You need to ensure this remains below 120 levels out of 255 total, else you may overexpose the image and lose detail on highlights after stacking and processing the video. Set histogram display to Logarithmic and tick the checkbox to display numerical information about the brightness levelsĤ.3 Observe the Max level reading labelled C.

    Astroimager altair