Ivamp sarina bowen
Ivamp sarina bowen

ivamp sarina bowen

I’ve always been interested in playing sport as a kid, I was very shy and quiet person at school.

ivamp sarina bowen

What motivated you to pursue a career in Science?

ivamp sarina bowen

That value knowing you’re making a difference to someone. I have only been working in this department for the last five weeks but I guess my favourite part for me is that each of the girls are very different, individualising their work specifically to them and hearing that they have improved, that they feel fitter, they feel faster, they put on some muscle mass. Then later in the day we hold nutrition workshops and any other team building activities, so like today we are doing escape rooms. I go to the girls home ground in Totton and have a few rehab sessions with some of the players with injuries. So firstly, I check in with the girls in the morning and tell them what their session is for the day which they have on an app, answering questions they have. Very different from what I’m used to due to Lockdown, I’ve been working from home since I’ve moved to the Girls and Women's Team. It's been six and a half years since joining in September 2014 and my first role was Academy GPS Analyst.Ĭan you tell us what a typical day is like in your current role? How long have you worked at Southampton FC and what was your first role?

Ivamp sarina bowen